The International Conference on International Law and Legal Policy (ICILLP 2022) was a hybird conference which includes several workshops (offline and online) around the world. Dr. Kurt Buhring from Saint Mary's College has chaired the workshop on related topics. ICILLP 2022 provided the participants with good opportunities to exchange ideas and build networks, and it will lead to further collaborations between both universities and other societies.
Saint Mary's College, USA
Organizer: Dr. Kurt Buhring, Associate Professor in Saint Mary's CollegeFor the class meeting/workshop, students read and discussed two chapters: "Doing and Learning" from Robert Coles' The Call of Service and "Action and Contemplation" from Parker Palmer's The Active Life. In the 75-minute class meeting, we explored ideas from Coles and Palmer regarding ways in which to relate our in-class materials and discussions with the students' out-of-class service learning work at various local organizations that address poverty. One of my intentions in this class session is to introduce new ways of approaching volunteer work with others in more mindful and self-aware ways.
After starting with a conversation about some broader themes, I broke students into smaller groups to discuss particular elements from each author (Coles and Palmer). Each student group was then tasked with highlighting key points from their assigned section. Students wrote these ideas on the whiteboard. We then used these pieces as we came back together for our whole group discussion. Students were able to understand and evaluate key ideas from the texts.
This session sets a foundation for considering ways in which our class materials can inform students' work in the community and possibilities for how such work can enrich students' understanding of course materials and themes.